SWI-Prolog 1.2

Focal point

  • Knowledge base: A collection of Facts and Rules.
  • Syntax(句法) : Facts, Rules, Queries 的組成術語 (terms)。
  • Atoms
  • Numbers
  • Variables

Atoms (原子) 符合以下任一條件:

  1. 由大寫/小寫字母、數字或是底線組成的字串 (string) 或字符 (characters) ,並以小寫字母為開頭。
  2. 單引號框起來的任意排列 (arbitrary sequence) 字符
  3. 在 Prolog 中已被賦有特殊意義的字符。例如: @=:-;, (上述字符代表的意思請參考 SWI-Prolog 1的筆記)

Numbers (數值)

E.g. float, integer.

Variables (變數)

  1. 由大寫/小寫字母、數值、底線組成的字串或字符,並以大寫字母或底線為開頭。
  2. _ 為特殊變數,稱為 anonymous variables (匿名變數)-> Chapter 4 //TODO

Complex terms

  1. Building out of a functor (函式) directly followed (can't have a space between the functor and the parenthesis) by a sequence of arguments which are put in ordinary parentheses and separated by commas. E.g. happy(abby) is a complex term: its functor is happy and its argument is abby.
  2. The functor must be an atom.
  3. Nesting (嵌套) complex terms inside complex terms are allowed.
  4. Complex term 的參數數目稱為 arity. E.g. loves(abby, miku) is a complex term of arity 2.
    • 透過 suffix / followed by a number 來指出 predicate's arity. Prolog 會視相同 functor 但 arity 不同者為不同。(待補充)

Built-in Prolog predicates

  • listing.: 顯示當前 knowledge bases 的內容。
  • listing[Predicate].:顯示所有與該 predicate 有關的資訊。
  • halt.: 停止 Prolog。
  • [KB NAME]. or ['C:.....KB NAME.pl'].: 載入其他 knowledge base 到當前的 .pl 檔。
    • 注意:Perl scripts 的 suffix 也是 .pl。
